Centre for Policy Alternatives on 21 August, 2007

Monitoring the Factors Affecting the Peace Process – August- October 2006

Categories: ReportsStudy

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) has been engaged in a project
“Monitoring the Factors Affecting the Peace Process” to assess the
current status of the peace process. This project involves 4 of CPA's
units and the Point Pedro Institute for Development, which looks at
economics issues. Looking at developments within a quarterly period,
this project produces reports for the corresponding periods.

A number of key factors, that impact the peace process, have been
monitored to observe trends of change or stasis. The factors have been
grouped into a series of clusters which reflect critical dimensions of
the peace process. The trends will suggest the level of change in each
cluster and in sum will indicate how the peace process and its
environment have been strengthened or weakened. Trends observed in each
of the various clusters and factors are carried in the Cluster Report
while the Synthesis Report analyses change and statsis in the clusters
in sum. These documents could be downloaded in PDF format.

Monitoring the Factors Affecting the Peace Process – August- October 2006
Monitoring the Factors Affecting the Peace Process – August- October 2006