CPA Comms Officer on 2 July, 2024

CPA mourns the loss of Mr. Rajavarothiyam Sampanthan

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) mourns the loss of Rajavarothiyam Sampanthan, MP, one of the most distinguished parliamentarians of our time, who adorned Parliament with his oratorical skills and legislative ability.  In his time as a Member of Parliament, and especially as the Leader of the Opposition in 2015-19, he dominated the proceedings of […]

Categories: Documents
CPA Comms Officer on 5 March, 2024

Questions & Answers on the Anti Terrorism Bill

This document provides an insight into the Anti-Terrorism Bill (ATB) in a question-and-answer format. The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) has previously commented on this controversial Bill and also challenged the ATB in the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka. For details on CPA’s written submissions to the Supreme Court, please see here. Click here to […]

Categories: CommentaryDocumentsResearch and Advocacy
CPA Comms Officer on 24 January, 2024

The Anti-Terrorism Law: A Draconian Legacy

The Minister of Justice recently presented to Parliament the Anti–Terrorism Bill, and its first reading took place on the 10th of January 2024. While this Bill is wrought with problems, two main issues with the Bill remain the drafting process and the impact that the Bill will have on the liberties of the people, minorities […]

Categories: DocumentsResearch and Advocacy
CPA Comms Officer on 23 January, 2024

The Online Safety Bill: A Trojan Horse

On the 18 th of September 2023, the Government of Sri Lanka published a Bill titled “Online Safety” and this was subsequently tabled in Parliament on the 3 rd of October. The Bill aims to establish an Online Safety Commission with a range of powers, including the ability to direct persons and internet service providers […]

Categories: Documents
CPA Comms Officer on 8 December, 2023

FAQs on the Online Safety Bill

This document provides a brief Q and A of the controversial Online Safety Bill. The version of the Bill that is examined contains the proposed Committee Stage amendments made by the Attorney-General, which were subsequently approved by the Supreme Court. For an explanation of the differences between the originally Gazetted Online Safety Bill and the […]

Categories: Documents
CPA Comms Officer on 16 November, 2023

Supreme Court Decision in SC FR 91/2023 – Challenging the Prevention of Terrorism 
(De-radicalization from holding violent extremist religious ideology) Regulations No. 01 of 2021

On the 21st of March 2021, the Government published in the Gazette regulations purportedly made under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, namely the Prevention of Terrorism (De-radicalization from holding violent extremist religious ideology) Regulations No. 01 of 2021. Through these regulations, the Government attempted to set up a system of ‘rehabilitation’ for categories of persons […]

Categories: DocumentsPress ReleasesPublic Interest Litigation submissions
CPA Comms Officer on 9 November, 2023

CPA Annual Report 2022

Download CPA’s Annual Report for 2022 Click Here

Categories: Documents