The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA), Colombo, Sri Lanka and the Institute of Federalism (IF), Fribourg, Switzerland organised the 2nd conference of the Locarno Process from the 15th to 17th April 2002 in Murten, Switzerland on “The Role and Relevance of Transitional Arrangements in Negotiating a Political Settlement in Sri Lanka”. The conference enabled participants to reflect on their understanding of the cease-fire agreement and to what extent strategies of the respective parties and stakeholders would animate and inform peace processes in the short, medium and long-term within the framework of a sustainable cease-fire incorporating human rights norms. The report of the proceedings is available here. The background paper by Mr. Kethesh Loganathan and Mr. Asanga Welikala is available here.
The Role and Relevance of Transitional Arrangements in Negotiating a Political Settlement in Sri Lanka

The Role and Relevance of Transitional Arrangements in Negotiating a Political Settlement in Sri Lanka
Categories: Discussion paper