Centre for Policy Alternatives on 9 March, 2013

Attacks on Places of Religious Worship in Post–War Sri Lanka

8th March 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka: While the post-war context offered an opportunity for consolidating peace and reconciliation, and there have been a number of positive developments, there are increasing concerns relating to violence targeting places of worship and religious intolerance. Since the end of the war there have been high-profile incidents such as the […]

Categories: DocumentsPolicy BriefsReports
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 22 November, 2011

Freedom of Expression on the Internet in Sri Lanka

22nd November 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka: The Centre for Policy Alternatives is pleased to release a new report examining the freedom of expression on the Internet in Sri Lanka. Since 2007, the freedom of expression on the Internet has faced considerable restrictions on account of the arbitrary blocking of websites and pronouncements by the government […]

Categories: DocumentsPolicy BriefsPress ReleasesReports
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 21 September, 2011

A Short Guide to ‘Regulating the Activities Regarding Management of Lands in the Northern and Eastern Provinces’ Circular: Issues & Implications

Download the full report as a PDF here or view it online here. ### The Government recently unveiled a policy regarding land in the North and East through the introduction of a Cabinet Memorandum (memo) titled ‘Regularize Land Management in Northern and Eastern Provinces,’ which was subsequently followed by a Land Circular (circular) titled ‘Regulating […]

Categories: Discussion paperPolicy BriefsReports
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 14 May, 2011

Commentary on Returns, Resettlement and Land Issues in the North of Sri Lanka

The North and East of Sri Lanka were the worst affected provinces during the ethnic conflict. Both areas witnessed death, destruction and displacement and are presently going through phases of rebuilding, reconstruction and development. Although Sri Lanka has faced numerous disasters and crises, both man made and natural, and experienced several phases of return, resettlement, […]

Categories: ArticlesDiscussion paperPolicy BriefsReports
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 14 May, 2011

Devolution in the Eastern Province: Implementation of the Thirteenth Amendment and Public Perceptions, 2008-2010

The challenge facing post–war Sri Lanka after the defeat of the LTTE is to move to a post –conflict situation defined as one in which at a basic minimum, the causes of conflict are not sustained and certainly not re-produced. This requires the prioritisation of establishing a democratic peace with governance and reconciliation between the […]

Categories: ArticlesPolicy BriefsReportsStudy
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 18 November, 2009

Death Threat against Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu: A Clarification of Events

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) wishes to correct and clarify media reportage of the death threat against its Executive Director, Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu.  CPA is both deeply concerned and appalled at the distortions of the chain of events in the media, particularly the state controlled media, in which it appears that exigencies of government […]

Categories: Policy BriefsReportsStudy
Centre for Policy Alternatives on 25 May, 2009

Press Release on the interim order issued by the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka on the eviction of Tamil persons from Colombo – 9th June 2007

Press Release on the interim order issued by the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka on the eviction of Tamil persons from Colombo. 9th June 2007 Download it here.

Categories: BookPolicy BriefsStudy